Thomas Crown – The Skeptic (Original Mix) is up for free download on SoundCloud!
Thomas Crown, a Bellingham native, who has been slaying Seattle clubs for some time, releases another massive free track on his SoundCloud. The Skeptic, name of his latest track, has been damaging the Pacific Northwest Dance floors and is included in his sets to open up for some amazing talent, like Dimibo! This track has been influenced by a heavy progressive groove and psychedelic twists. We can not wait for the next release from Thomas, we can truly see a bright future for this artist. We are sure that in 2019, Thomas will have more amazing releases. Please check out the links below to the track. We are very excited to say that we got the opportunity to design the cover art of this massive tune. Stay tuned for more tracks from this amazing producer.
Thomas Crown Facebook Page

Thomas Crown – The Skeptic (Original Mix) FREE DOWNLOAD